
Gluten in Sushi

Gluten-free sushi would seem easy to come by because sushi can be  naturally gluten-free. However, some of the ingredients used to make  sushi can contain gluten.


What is Sushi?

Wikipedia defines sushi as a traditional Japanese dish made with vinegared rice, sugar, salt, and other ingredients.


Gluten in Sushi shows up as...

Anything breaded as the breading often contains gluten. This includes things like tempura shrimp.


Gluten in Sushi shows up as...

Rice Vinegar which is mostly gluten-free but can be made with gluten, so it's important to double check.


Gluten in Sushi shows up as...

Imitation Crab which is usually used instead of real crab and is usually made with gluten.


Gluten in Sushi shows up as...

Soy Sauce which is typically made with wheat so you need to verify a GF soy sauce is available or bring your own.


Gluten in Sushi shows up as...

Wasabi which is usually gluten-free IF it's 100% fresh wasabi but always verify with the restaurant.


Gluten in Sushi shows up as...

Fish & Oyster Sauce which is typically gluten-free but on occasion can be made with gluten, so you should double check!


Gluten in Sushi shows up as...

Masago which is usually gluten-free IF it's 100% fish eggs but can contain gluten depending preparation.


For more on Gluten-Free sushi...

Check out my blog post which contains tips on ordering gluten-free sushi complete with sample scripts and more!