We’ve all been there, we made a list, checked it twice, though we got everyone and then realized someone was missing. For the times where you need a quick gift to grab and go for your loved ones, here are my top gluten-free last minute gift ideas! These last minute gift ideas are perfect for your gluten-intolerant and celiac friends!
From the Gluten-Free Experts
Sarah from endlessdistances.com says “I could always use GF chocolates!! Specifically, love the GF Chocolate chip cookies from Trader Joe’s”.
Jenna Farmer www.abalancedbelly.co.uk “I always enjoy something personal-my mom puts together a hamper of my fave gluten-free biscuits, crisp, and snacks. It’s simple but usually so expensive so feels like a treat!”
Tayler Recommended Gluten-Free Last Minute Gifts
Fuzzy Socks
I have polled my friends and family and they all agree, getting a nice pair of comfy, cozy, and fuzzy socks is the best. So when in doubt, buy your loved one a boss pair of socks
(or many).
Pajamas / Comfy Clothes
Everyone likes to sleep comfortably. Why not treat your loved ones to comfy sleeping clothes? Alternatively, buy your loved one some comfy clothes to wear while running errands or just around the house (or whenever because defying social norms is where it’s at nowadays!)
Robes are amazing for both men and women
. We all love to be warm and cozy right out of the shower or walking around the house!
Heating Pads & Blankets
Talk about helping your loved ones stay cozy, a high-quality heating pad for when their muscles are sore or they need extra warmth can be a nice gift.
Not only that, but cozy throw blankets make nice gifts too! It helps not your loved ones be comfy but it helps their space feel cozy too.
Gluten-free cookbooks
Let’s be real, sometimes getting gluten-free can be frustrating when it comes to finding delicious meals to make. Gifting an awesome gluten-free cookbook (like Well Fed, Well Fed 2
, and this No-Fuss Gluten-Free Cookbook) can make your gluten-free friend’s lives that much easier.
Even better, you can personalize your cookbook gift with pantry ingredients from your favorite recipe from the cookbook!
Candles always make an awesome gift for anyone. Cozy and warming scents can really elevate a space.
Notebooks / Notepads
Bullet journaling is all of the rage these days. Gift your loved one who is a planner fanatic a bullet journal. It’s essentially a highly customizable planner that will let them express their creativity and stay on track.
Have a friend who is always journaling and taking notes? Gift the gift of a high-quality notebook for them to keep their ideas organized in!
I never realized the value of a nice notepad until I started my job that requires me to take notes all of the time. Whether I’m counseling, or planning a session, planning a video, or even taking notes on my next blog post, having a nice notepad is soooo helpful!
Mint Tea
Mint tea is known to help soothe an upset stomach. It’s also known to reduce bloating and gas. All of these things are common symptoms of gluten-exposure and gifting your gluten-free friend mint tea can help show that you understand and want to help them when it comes to their restrictive diet.
Tools for Keys
Survival tools for keychains can be so useful. Not only that but they can give both you and the gift recipient peace of mind.
Some awesome keychain tools I’ve gotten in the past include this window breaker/seat belt cutter (in case you’re in a car and need to get out), and this Multitool Keychain
Comment below your favorite last minute gifts!