How to respond to rude food comments when you have celiac
How to respond to rude food comments when you have celiac + 20 response ideas
How to respond to rude food comments when you have celiac + 20 response ideas
Let’s talk about using gratitude with celiac disease to nurture supportive relationships, a positive mindset, and over all better quality of life.
Celiac Disease and Grief – Grieving a Life Without Celiac Celiac disease and grief are not talked about often enough. Finding out you have celiac
What’s the difference between seeing “gluten-free” on a label and “certified gluten-free” on a label? That’s what we will be talking about here!
are oats safe for people with celiac? So many people wonder if oats are celiac-safe so let’s talk about it!
Are gluten-free Oreos celiac-safe? Gluten-free Oreos are starting to hit the shelf in the United States and it’s taking the gluten-free community by storm. But
wellness goals for Gluten-Free Living Whether you are living gluten-free for celiac disease, another autoimmune disease, or non-celiac gluten-sensitivity, this post will feature some gentle
Celiac is not as simple as “just” eating Gluten-free There are a ton of factors that influence food decisions when living with celiac disease. These
There are some pantry staples that people don’t often think twice about that aren’t always gluten-free. Here are 9 foods that aren’t always gluten-free to double check on.
Support is one the most important aspects of living with celiac disease and not all support has to come from others. There are important self-provided forms of support for celiac disease too.
Where to find restaurants with french fries made in a dedicated fryer.
Celiac disease management involves a gluten-free lifestyle but it’s not as simple as it sounds. Let’s talk about what celiac disease is, how to manage celiac disease, and the struggles that come with celiac disease management.