This Simple Gluten-free Granola Recipe has been in rotation since the early days of my celiac diagnosis.
Back when I was diagnosed gluten-free options weren’t readily available and I ended up making a lot of things from scratch; things like granola.
Granola, not to be confused with muesli, is typically sweetened oats baked until crispy. The baked crispiness of granola is what separates it from it’s distinct and raw friend, muesli.
The key risky thing about granola and muesli are that they aren’t always gluten-free.
Granola and muesli are only celiac-safe sometimes. While oats are considered a gluten-free grain they are at very high risk for cross-contact with gluten during growing, harvesting, and processing.
Thus, in order for granola or muesli to be considered truly gluten-free, you have to use the right kind of oats. And in some countries, you’d have to swap oats out for another grain entirely.
Learn more about the celiac-safety of oats here.
Enjoy this Simple Gluten-Free Granola recipe in a variety of ways.
Make this an oat-free granola for substituting the oats for a mix of your preferred nuts and seeds. Yes, it’s really that simple!