Gluten Exposure Recovery Kits are incredibly helpful for managing being glutened. Being exposed to gluten (or being “glutened”) happens. Gluten exposure is a part of life when you are living gluten-free. Even the best of us get exposed. Rather than beat yourself up about it, give yourself grace, learn from your mistakes, and focus on recovery.
If you’re not sure if you were exposed to gluten, check out my post “Was I Gutened or is it Something Else?“
Gluten exposure relief really depends on the individual, their needs, and their reaction to gluten exposure. What to do when you’re exposed to gluten will thus, largely be different from celiac to celiac.
My general tips on relief from gluten include: being kind to yourself, giving yourself permission to be uncomfortable, and having a plan in place to help soothe specific symptoms you struggle with.
Specifically, having a Gluten Exposure Recovery Kit can be incredibly helpful. Having a place to keep everything that you need to help stay comfortable and heal really changes the game.
A great way to start planning your gluten exposure recovery kit is by first listing the symptoms you struggle with when you’re glutened. Make note of the symptoms that are particularly tough for you to deal with and then brainstorm ways you can comfort yourself.
If you find yourself struggling with ideas on self-soothing specific symptoms, check out my post on coping with bloating and constipation for some inspiration.
Now that you’ve identified the symptoms you struggle with and how you might cope. Now it’s time to decide what to put in your Gluten Exposure Recovery Kit that supports your findings.
Sometimes your response to gluten exposure involves long trips to the bathroom. A squatty potty can help make those trips easier and more comfortable. A don’t just take my word for it, scientists agree that the squatty potty really does help you poop better.
When you’ve been glutened, baby wipe can make the clean up a lot easier… if you know what I mean.
Electrolytes are a must for Gluten Exposure Recovery Kits because often symptoms of gluten exposure involve water-loss. Think of diarrhea and vomiting. Electrolytes are good to have on hand to help make sure you’re staying hydrated.
Certain teas are known for their carminative effects, or their gas reducing effect. Basically, they help calm the stomach. I personally keep the following teas on hand for gluten exposure recovery:
– Ginger Tea
– Peppermint Tea
– Green Tea
Note that if you also struggle with acid reflux, mint might not be a good idea.
L-Glutamine has been thought to help repair the gut. In a time where your body has been attacking the lining of your gut, taking L-Glutamine is thought to help improve repairs.
(always talk to your doctor before starting any new supplement to make sure it’s right for you!)
Often times gluten can cause cramps and aches when you have celiac. A heating pad can help these pains if they occur.
For maximum comfort, comfy clothes are a must! I like walking around in loose clothes that don’t put pressure on my stomach after gluten exposure. So naturally, robes are a go-to pick.
A few honorable mentions that I often see recommended in Facebook groups and social media are activated charcoal and gluten digestive enzymes.
It is not recommended to take activated charcoal for gluten exposure. This is because activated charcoal can bind to important nutrients and medications rendering them ineffective. Additionally, there is no evidence to support it actually binds to gluten for release.
Lastly, gluten digestive enzymes like gluten cutter are not yet clinically proven to help with celiac disease. There is evidence to support these might be helpful for gluten intolerance, but remember gluten intolerance and celiac disease are different. And there’s not enough evidence to support that these products are useful in preventing celiac damage or addressing the autoimmune response to gluten.
If you are getting glutened too often, working with a celiac specialized dietitian might help reduce your gluten exposures. Celiac dietitians are specialized in helping people avoid gluten in the least restrictive yet safest way possible.
If you need a celiac dietitian to help you, check to see if I have availability.