After living gluten-free for a LONG time, I thought I’d share my favorite gluten-free pantry staples with you. Everything listed here can be found on my Gluten-Free Pantry Staples list on my Amazon Store Front.
My Amazon Store Front features my favorite Gluten-Free Pantry Staples along with my Favorite Gluten-Free Snacks, Gluten-Free Beauty Products, GF Emergency Preparation Kit, and Gluten-Free Recovery Kit. I make a small commission on any purchase made from my Amazon Store Front (at no cost to you). As you may or may not know, I run and fund this website by myself so it’s a nice way for me to make a small income for all the work I put into this site.
All that being said, let’s jump into my favorite gluten-free pantry staples!

My Favorite Gluten-Free Pantry Staples
Sesame Butter
What I love about sesame butter is that it offers an amazing unique taste to any dish you use it in. What I love about this sesame butter, in particular, is that it’s produced in a certified allergen controlled environment. Because it’s allergy-friendly and it’s so flavorful, it’s one of my favorite gluten-free pantry staples.
I love tahini. I use it in all kinds of dressings and sauces. It gives them a nice creamy texture with bold flavor.
I have an organic tahini on my amazon storefront but many chain grocery stores carry their own affordable brands as well (I frequently buy the simple truth brand tahini at kroger).
Gluten-Free All-Purpose Flour
My favorite gluten-free all-purpose flour is the one made by Namaste. Maybe it’s because its the first flour blend I tried after my diagnosis, but there is something home like and sweet about this flour blend. Plus, I love the ingredient list.
You don’t have to use Namaste flours. I am also known to use the cheapest gluten-free flours I can find (hello discount aisle at Kroger). Regardless of what kind of gluten-free all-purpose flour you use, it’s an important gluten-free pantry staple because you never know when a baked goods craving will hit!
Assortment of Other Gluten-Free Flours
If there is one thing I have learned when it comes to baking gluten-free is that the more flours you mix together, the better the end product ends up. My favorite gluten-free flours to have on hand are coconut flour, almond flour, and buckwheat flour (yes, buckwheat is gluten-free).
If you have nut allergies you probably want to stick with just buckwheat flour.
Grass-Fed Beef Gelatin
Gelatin has been suggested to be beneficial for a variety of things such as bone and joint health. I personally love keeping it on hand because I like to make my own gummies.
Raw Vinegar
I love using raw vinegar (especially if it has the mother still in it) to do a variety of things. I’ll use it to make salad dressing or to start my own ferments.
Raw vinegar is one of my favorite gluten-free pantry staples because 1. I simply just love vinegar and 2. it offers an easy way to get in probiotics (the good bacteria that can support your gut health)!
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
I don’t need to say much here aside from I love using extra virgin olive oil in my homemade dips and dressings! It adds a bold delicious flavor.
Please note: Extra Virgin Olive Oil has a low smoke point and isn’t ideal to use in dishes that need cooked. Keep it raw when using this oil!
Avocado Oil
This isn’t just a gluten-free pantry staple, it’s an important pantry staple for everyone! Avocado oil has one of the highest smoke points when it comes to cooking oils. This makes it ideal to use when cooking ANYTHING! I highly recommend you invest in avocado oil if you haven’t already.
Side note: Avocado oil has an extremely MILD flavor so don’t worry about it impacting or changing the flavor of your dishes.
Coconut Oil
While not the most important of my favorite gluten-free pantry staples, for those who are dairy-free and gluten-free (which often goes hand in hand), coconut oil makes a great substitute for butter. I especially like using coconut oil instead of butter when baking.
Canned Salmon
Canned Salmon is a nutritional powerhouse. It’s one of my important favorite gluten-free pantry staple because it’s rich in vital nutrients many people living gluten-free need (especially if you have celiac disease).
I love packing a can of salmon for lunch as a healthy and nutrient-rich protein source. I’ll add it to my salads, make salmon patties, mash it into an avocado, and so much more.
Dragon Red Spiced Chai Tea
I am a sucker for a good mug of chai tea. Like seriously, chai tea lattes are my jam. I drink it when my stomach is upset and feeling heavy. I drink it when I’m feeling cold, stressed, or generally inflamed and it never fails to calm me. The chai tea featured in my Amazon Store Front is my absolute favorite so far. I highly recommend it.
If chai tea isn’t your jam, try a nice mint or ginger tea. Both are calming and nice to have on hand in case your stomach decides to take you for a ride.
Purity Protocol Oats
A lot of people who go gluten-free react to oats and gluten-free oats. In fact, oats aren’t considered safe for people who have celiac disease UNLESS they are certified gluten-free. Even then, some people react to them.
That’s why I suggest purity protocol oats. Purity protocol oats are oats that have been grown in fields that have never grown gluten grains and processed on dedicated equipment, thus reducing the amount of cross-contact oats have with gluten significantly.
I personally buy both certified gluten-free oats and purity protocol depending. Oats sit fine with me and they bring back warming childhood memories so oats are a favorite gluten-free pantry staple of mine.
Oats might not sit well with you and that’s okay. Don’t buy them if they don’t make you feel good!
Those are some of my favorite gluten-free pantry staples. I’d love to hear about yours in the comments! Don’t forget to like this post and share it with others who you think might find inspiration from it.
If you want to buy some of my favorite gluten-free pantry staples, here is the link to my Amazon Store Front. This is an affiliate link and I will make a small commission (at no cost to you) for anything you purchase. I currently don’t make any money off of my website so this is just a nice perk for all the time and effort I put into the resource I provide on here.