Non-Responsive Celiac Diet: The Fasano Diet
A non-responsive celiac diet, also known as the Fasano diet, is for those with celiac who are not responding to a generally celiac-safe diet.
A non-responsive celiac diet, also known as the Fasano diet, is for those with celiac who are not responding to a generally celiac-safe diet.
Do you need the help of a dietitian? Find out by reading this post.
Are Haribo Gummy Bears gluten-free? People are confused because some people list them as a gluten-free candy and other’s don’t because of 2 controversial ingredients
A celiac diet is always gluten-free but also includes cross-contact precautions, healing needs, and food sensitivities. A celiac diet does not look the same for every celiac. A celiac dietitian can help you tailor your diet to your needs.
One of the most frequent questions I get from people with celiac is how to heal celiac. More specifically, how to heal your gut when you have celiac. Here’s how…
celebrate celiac awareness month with celiac dietitian Tayler Silfverduk
Stress less in the grocery store with these tips on how to make grocery shopping with celiac easy!
Safety with celiac disease goes beyond gluten-free food. It’s easy to get caught up in the gluten-free side of things and as a result, neglect other areas that play into safety with celiac.
What is gluten-free at Starbucks? What can a celiac order at Starbucks? What drinks are gluten-free at Starbucks?
Celiac Disease Testing – what the different celiac tests are and why they are used
“Was I glutened or is it something else?”, this is the age old question I think many people with celiac face at some point or another.
what to do when you’ve been glutened, tips and tricks to managing symptoms and discomfort of gluten exposure